Get Beauty Vitamins FREE when you buy L-Carnitine!
Set: L-Carnitine + Beauty Vitamins
Net content 1000 ml
L-carnitine is a vitamin-amino acid compound comparable to B vitamins. It functions as a carrier of fatty acids to the mitochondrion. L-carnitine acts as an assistant to help burn fat faster and lose weight naturally. Recent studies have also shown that L-carnitine helps to reduce fatigue, increase body mass and muscle mass, stabilise blood sugar levels and at the same time reduce the need for carbohydrates. Carnitine helps to mobilise fat reserves, especially in overweight people.
L-carnitine has a particularly delicious orange flavour, is free of synthetic colours and flavour enhancers, and is made with all the essential substances that have a positive effect on the human body. Most importantly, this L-carnitine is in liquid form, so it will be absorbed by the body much faster and easier. This supplement is extremely rich in carnitine, with 1667mg per serving (25ml) and 6668mg per 100ml.
Beauty vitamins Healthy Choice 60 tablets
“Healthy Choice Beauty Vitamin Complex is specially formulated for skin, hair and nails.
Selenium is a very important trace element, most valued for its antioxidant effect and its inherent ability to slow down premature ageing. Zinc, selenium, iodine, vitamins A, B2 and B3, together with biotin, are the perfect combination to maintain normal hair, nails and skin. Choline and betaine stimulate metabolism and limit the accumulation of fat in the liver. Iron contributes to the normal transport of oxygen in the body. Magnesium helps biochemical reactions, increases stamina, and helps overcome depression and mood swings. Phosphorus helps maintain normal cell function. Vitamin B6, in combination with other B vitamins and magnesium and zinc, improves brain and nervous system function, helps control allergies, is important for energy production in the cells, and is important for protecting the body against infection.
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