SVEIKA ENERGIJA JSC is a Lithuanian-based company that has, for the first time in Lithuanian history developed, produced and distribute top-quality, world-class protein made exclusively in Lithuania. HEALTHY CHOICE 100% PURE and WATER-SOLUBLE WHEY PROTEIN is made in Lithuania from milk supplied by Lithuanian and other Baltic dairy suppliers. Lithuania has been known throughout the ages as a producer of premium quality dairy products. This became the basis upon which we developed our new Lithuanian HEALTHY CHOICE 100% PURE and WATER-SOLUBLE WHEY PROTEIN, which comes in a 2 kg package. We also plan to introduce follow-on HEALTHY CHOICE products in the future.
A professional team with long-standing experience manages and supervises the continual supply of HEALTHY CHOICE protein to current and potential customers directly from our warehouses or through our e-commerce platforms. SVEIKA ENERGIJA JSC is actively seeking out long-term partners for distributing HEALTHY CHOICE protein both in Europe and Asia. The company continually delivers HEALTHY CHOICE protein to customers in United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Poland and Baltic States.
We are planning to expand in the near future by increasing sales of HEALTHY CHOICE protein in foreign markets, exporting to Scandinavia, Central, Western and Southern Europe as well as Asia. The company produces all natural, new generation and premium quality protein products. Lab tests are already under way for the development of a new line of all natural protein products. We hope that this will be a pleasant surprise to our loyal customers. Clients who sign HEALTHY CHOICE representation or distribution agreements with SVEIKA ENERGIJA UAB will be granted exclusive rights to distribute HEALTHY CHOICE 100% PURE and WATER-SOLUBLE WHEY PROTEIN.
The company places a high priority on the protection of the environment. We would like to thank you in advance for throwing used and empty HEALTHY CHOICE packaging into the plastic waste container for recycling.

SVEIKA ENERGIJA: Nutrition you can trust!
SVEIKA ENERGIJA JSC seeks to become a leader in the sales and exports of Lithuanian-made premium quality and biologically valuable HEALTHY CHOICE 100% PURE and WATER-SOLUBLE WHEY PROTEIN in United Kingdom, establish itself in the European and CIS markets as well as make its mark on the rest of the global market in the future. We believe that the success of our vision depends on the goals we set ourselves as well as our continual efforts, which is why strive to:
- apply innovative and state-of-the-art operational methods, and make comprehensive progress in our commitment to produce and supply high-quality protein products;
- become the most trusted and valued protein producer and supplier, ensuring a continual supply of protein products to our customers and business partners;
- transform challenges into opportunities and achievements;
- encourage initiative and creative thinking;
- improve company results.
- To encourage people of different ages to live more physically active lives and to exercise and use the natural Lithuanian HEALTHY CHOICE protein concentrate.
- To motivate people to improve their bodies, health and wellbeing, and to help individuals who have suffered from injury or disease to recover.
- To promote healthy living.
- To help athletes achieve their goals.
- To provide professional information and consulting services about our product based on scientific research.
- To seek long-term partnerships with customers and business partners.
Mums klientas ir verslo partneris yra pats svarbiausias, todėl visada stengiamės, kad jis būtų patenkintas ir kad jam būtų malonu su mumis dirbti.
Mes gerbiame ir vertiname kokybę, patikimumą, atvirumą, paslaugumą, sąžiningumą, o ypač – ilgalaikę partnerystę bei verslo etiką. Mūsų bendrovės vertybinės nuostatos – siekti pažangos drauge, dirbti kaip viena komanda, puoselėti ilgalaikę partnerystę, gerbti vieniems kitus ir rūpintis mus supančia aplinka.